Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Chorus

The teacher equals saviour metaphor has been done before a few times, but it's nice to see it in French. What more can I say beyond giving you the plot:

En 1948, Clément Mathieu, professeur de musique sans emploi accepte un poste de surveillant dans un internat de rééducation pour mineurs ; entre délation et sévices corporels, le système répressif appliqué par le directeur, Rachin, bouleverse Mathieu. En initiant ces enfants à la musique et au chant choral , Mathieu parviendra à transformer leur quotidien.

I watched the 'specials' on this DVD and then realised how good the costumes were. The music is moving, apparently performed by the actor himself - unlike Audrey Hepburn, Deborah Kerr and few other Hollywood dames. Nicely produced standard fare [Reviewed by Nuthatch]

I really enjoyed this touching, human story about a disappointed musician (Mathieu) who takes up a position as a teacher in a correctional school and transforms the lives of at least some of the boys in his care by introducing them to music. One boy, in particular, discovers a hidden talent that leads eventually to a successful career and international acclaim. The grimness of life in such an institution is well depicted and the film is realistic in its portrayal of the differing responses of both staff and boys to Mathieu's music project. I thought everything about the film was elegantly understated and this, for me, was what gave it its special charm. [Reviewed by Nightjar]

(Stonechat also watched this film but, as she has now flown the nest to take up residence in more Northern climes, she will not be able to add her review.)

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