Saturday 16 May 2009

The Notebook

The plot is fairly thin, but the point is, does this move you? Or is it too corny? For me, the former, I found it an obvious plot from the very start but realised that Alzheimer's was being talked about and therefore I was OK about the thin plot. I really enjoyed Allie and Noah and their different personalities meeting together. If you've ever been in love, some of this will resonate. I found the intensity and the longing very touching and memory-inducing. Perhaps the subtle message of this filom is that the story itself was memory-based and not lived in real-time. This was after all a notebook story. Had Allie's memory gone as she wrote? She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

I think I'll watch this again when I need a warm fuzzy feeling.....oh, and wasn't it weird to see James Garner looking old, after so many years. I did see him in that Mel Gibson film, Maverick but he's aged soemwhat since then. But still got that charm, he had back in the 60s and 70s!

Nice film.....that sounds so yuk! Feelgood film![Reviewed by Nuthatch]

This was a really touching story of the power of love to survive both youthful separation and the ravages of old age. Although it becomes obvious fairly early in the film whose story is being retold from the notebook, the tale of the two young lovers is enthralling enough to propel the viewer forward even though the ending is not a surprise by the time it comes. There seem to have been an increasing number of films in recent years dealing with themes around ageing and the losses that come with age, a product perhaps of the changing demographics of our time. I felt doubly sorry for Noah as he had twice lost the love of his life and one sensed that the second time was the more painful in that she was still there but lost to him. [Reviewed by Nightjar]

This was such a beautiful film and I cried so much that I wasn't able to write anything for a couple of days afterwards. It was interesting that I felt more strongly for the older Noah and Alli than for their younger selves. It was a wonderful demonstration of love throughout the years and also of the difficult decision of who to spend your life with. All in all a true romance film without the easy, sentimental slushy stuff, which instead deals with enduring true love which seeks to overcome obstacles and to continue to be there when the going gets incredibly tough. Beautifully, and subtly acted - well worth a watch. [Reviewed by Stonechat]

Merlin didn't watch this one

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